Monday, February 21, 2011

Every one of us know story of woodcutter and axe, it’s kind of ideal story to imprint a simple moral: Honesty is best policy. How many of us believe??? Immediate answer is ‘Everyone’ now if I reframe question i.e. how many of us follows? Here diplomacy come into picture. Some will say I follow some times, some will say depends upon situation…and some will support their answer with quote by Lord Krishna i.e. If you speak lie for benefit of someone then it is equivalent to 100 truth!!! This changes the definition of moral so we redefine it as Honesty is best policy: condition apply.

I was an honest person till standard 4th after that I adapt modified definition of this moral. This transition happed due to small incident. During standard 4th I was fascinated with all superhero’s, animals, cartoons etc. so this craze laid me with collection of stickers and this was the main reason for me to venture into business of stickers. Today I called it my first entrepreneur venture into Indian economy. I had started this business with my best friend Pratick (He is C.A now and doing well in his life) and we used to sell sticker of 25 paisa (Rs 0.25) at price Rs. 2 per sticker. Here I learned first lesson that Honesty is best policy: condition apply. Further due to intervention of our parents our first successful business venture was came to end.

As someone said think globally so if we see today’s world how much honesty maintain by marketers? So here again moral get modified. When we purchase any item and we come to know that we bought it for high price so again we modified our prices while showing that item to anyone because we don’t want anyone should count us in class of fools. If we analyze our past we had modified this moral several times because of numerous reasons. So is it wrong or right it matter of debate but as long as benefits are there conditions will always apply.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Conservation : Need or Fame???

Global warming is now day’s serious issue for everyone. Everyone on this planet earth use word ' Conservation' whenever discussion happened related with global warming or any other environment issue. This amaze me that if every individual so concern about environment then why every day we pollute our environment knowingly that this could result in serious disaster. Best part is people who talk more about conservation can't stop themselves talking about how one should minimize rate of pollution, but how much they follow? So is it just for fame????

if I think about my case then sometimes I got dilemma that should I called my self conservationist? I am one of the founders of NGO named ‘Wild Explorer’ which serve for wildlife conservation, rescue and research. I am working for environment and wildlife conservation for last 7 years and what I have changed??? I made thousands of people aware about wildlife conservation and environment protection but I still used bike to travel, ordered food from hotel which served in plastic container and do all small activities unknowingly or knowingly which result in environmental pollution. So here question arises why am I doing conservation….for need or fame?

Answer to this is not easy as we all do more or less similar things every day. Let’s be honest with own, because this is the main reason for failure of conservation in most of scenario. So basic need for conservation is to understand need of conservation and justify your activities towards this field. Don’t fall for conservation because some said, conserve because you want to conserve! I conserve wildlife because I want to see these beautiful creature till end of my life and wish my further generation can enjoy this miracles of nature like I enjoyed. Remember we human are liable for our destruction.

Global warming is end result of our negligence towards conservation.

Human can’t overcome nature at the same time he can’t restore nature. What we can do is to keep nature as it is for next hundreds of years. We can’t stop pollution but we can minimize it. We can’t plant 100000000000….. Trees but we can conserve existing ones. Don’t talk about conservation, start doing conservation not for me, not for anyone for you only. People say don’t be selfish in life always be generous but in case of conservation be selfish. If you conserve for yourself then term conservation will be not used for fame, it will become need. Some way say Need leads to inventions…so invent or innovate various ways for conservation and make this planet as Green Planet for thousands, millions of years.

Just keep this line in mind, conservation is need not Fame!!!

weakness is associated with body not with mind.

Nature is a real magician as it gave each organism some special feature to live, protect and successfully survive in this dynamic world. What about human?? We said we got brain with 1400cc capacity which gave us supremacy over all other animals, but do we call ourselves strong enough??? The answer should be yes….and if we analyze our situation in this competitive world then we might change our answer!!

One of my female friend called me and ask me, Why it’s difficult for girls to live in this male dominated world??? Most of will agree with her stance that yes it’s very difficult for girls, but I don’t think it’s difficult. Though biologically female is weaker than male, at the same time there is lot of weakness associated with mind if we analyze this carefully. A simple question to my entire female friend…why u accepts this fact you are weak?

First of all those who feel ‘I am weak’ take out this line from your mind. Biological weakness is always associated with human but weakness with thoughts is more severe. Battles are won at heart provided your mind must be strong. So there is nothing called weakness if your mind is strong. I believe that most of us will agree that if human can survive from Paleozoic era despite of all biological weakness then you can survive in this competitive world using power of your brain.

Real fact is there is nothing called male dominated world, it’s just a perception which bring this stereotype. Best example is Dr.Kiran Bedi who established her selves as strong personnel from Police force .After reading’ I dare’ I was really astonished due to her strong mindset and belief. So be strong at mind as …………………….weakness is associated with body not with mind.