Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Past is past, future is future but living in Present is better..!!

Donot dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate mind on the present moment....................Buddha
When I was in 7th standard , my history teacher Mr.Mohite Sir told me that note down the above thought and never take out this thing from your mind. That time I was not serious about this quote. I was only knowing that '' Your destiney is in your hands'' and I follow this philosophy till my graduation. During this period I was dreamed about my future and has made many commitments to myself about my carrier and some of them are true by now but during this period I lost many good moments in my life in thinking about future. So this made me think that why we so much bother about future???
There is famous story of rat 'Mushakraj' this rat was living in Palace of King of Damanvira. This rat considered to be most claver rat among Damanvira rats. Everyday he used to steal kings food and stoar it in his house. Whenever he stole somethings he felt to enjoy that food item but he convienced himself as 'this is for future so control your desire and wait for future'. When food stealing incidences increased, King of Damanvira ordered his soldiers to find out this rat and kill him. When soldiers were in pursuit of rat Mushakraj he quickly disappear into his hole. Angry soldiers digged his hole and destroyed his house. When his house was got destroyed Mushakraj was not able to hide and suddenly one soldier hit him with a rod. During his last moments he was egreting only one thing i.e. FOOD. this shows how much cleaver you are but when its come to live life eqaution changes.
When we meet our school or college friends we feel very cheerful as we live those moments once again with them but after some time regrets take the place of joy. Why this happened? hardly we pay attaintion to such things. In todays world we miss many moments becuse of our future planning activities, but how many activities really impacted our future??? Manier times we want to get crazy or wild but we always think first what happen when Mr.X or Ms.Y look us like this and we lost those moments. Just becuse we think that our present has direct connection with future and we are right in some cases. Again what is the ratio of we are right vs. we are wrong?? definetly not more than 1..!!
so my dear friends donot waste your much of life in thinking about future , plan in advance and enjoy every bit of present becuse if you fail then life hardly give second chance to get those moments back. after all Past is pasr, future is future but living in Present is better..!!

Green thinking to Green Action

A revolution is an idea which found its bayonets.....Nepoleon Bonaparte
In todays world word 'GREEN' has significant value. People have related it with many things as per their thought process and perceptions. If you ask any one what you percived as green then answes varies from enviorment, currancy to any soft drink brand. Inshort word GREEN has created significant impact on people. Every one knows about green and thanks to media which keep highlighting word GREEN by almeans. Green talks, shows and articles on green are one o fthe hot favorate section in many media channels. I just want to raise a simple point, 'How much we really create about Green?'
We all know about problems like global warming, nuclear waste and hazards , oil spill and many more again thanks to media who work sincerely to capture real esence of the news. How many of us really bother to find about how we can contribue to minimize any of it at personal level? Hardly !!! Now every one has own reasons to justify their stance but reality is when it comes to GREEN ACTION percentage drop follows law of gravity. So understand the need of time and act according to it. Green thinking process has begun but actions need to be develope at large scale. here donot misunderstand as Mass actions for envionrment protection but its a small small individual action at large scale. In country like India such actions can make lot of diffrance to create ideal ecosystem for the future. In today's time once again green revolution has started but we need to increase its spread and depth so why not start at individual level. If we want to see a ideal ecosystem in future then we need to change from GREEN HYPOCRITIC to ACTIVE GREEN..!!